BWE in the Press
Fipe's Informative Bulletin
Applied Economics Subjects (November 2017): The representation of women in different knowledge fields was analyzed, from 2010 to 2015. Data of Higher Education Censorship were utilized. Read the full text here.
Applied Economics Subjects (December 2017) – EconomistAs (Brazilian Women in Economics): The representation of women in different knowledge fields was analyzed, from 2010 to 2015. Data of Higher Education Censorship were utilized. Read the full text here.
Women at FEA: An analysis of academic performance
Gender diversity: FEA in numbers – Part I (May 2019): Participation of women in undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEA-USP) was analyzed, looking at different courses and distinguishing men and women in terms of academic performance, the conclusion of the courses e the reasons for abandons. Read the full text here.
Gender diversity: FEA in numbers – Part II (June 2019): Some econometrics regressions were analyzed to verify if gender is related to academic performance, measured through the final grades and approval in disciplines. Read the full text here.
Terraço Econômico [Economic Terrace]: Female participation in the academic career in Economics
Participation of Fabiana Rocha, Maria Dolores Diaz e Paula Pereda
Why is there a low percentage of women in Economics, although their rising insertion in undergraduate courses in Brazil? Why women have difficulty in evolving in their careers, even when they have a participation in the field? How the high participation of women could have a positive impact on public policies, besides equality? To answer these questions, Fabiana Rocha, Maria Dolores Diaz and Paula Pereda analyzed the percentage of women in undergraduate and graduate courses, and the submissions of articles for the national meeting in Economics (ANPEC). Read the full text here.
Folha de S. Paulo: Economists bet on podcasts to bring topics of the field to a wider audience
An important newspaper in São Paulo made a reportage about some economics’ podcasts that were build to bring some topics for a wider audience and the the Brazillian Women in Economics’ podcast was one of those. Click here to read the full text.
Jornal da USP [USP Newspaper] : Professors of USP develop a mentoring program to women economists
A research group of the School of Economics, Business and Accounting at University of São Paulo aims to support womens in the economics field to making progress in the differents steps of the carreer. Read the full text here.
Revista Pesquisa FAPESP [Research Magazine FAPESP] : The woman place in economics
The reportage made a dissemination of a paper, published in Cuadernos de Economía and wrote by Fabiana Rocha, Paula Pereda, Liz Matsunaga,
Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Renata Narita and Bruna Borges, that present gender differences in the economics academic carreer in Brazil.
FEA Website: The Brazilian Women in Economics group aims to extend the female presence in economics field
The professors Paula Pereda, Dolores Montoya and Fabiana Rocha, coordinators of the group Brazilian Women in Economics, talked to the website of the School of Economics, Business and Accounting at University of São Paulo about how the research group was developed and about the activities that they developing.
The article mentions the Brazilian Women in Economics’ podcast and the ‘ECONecta’, a mentoring program developed by the group. Read the full text here. (avaliable only in Brazilian Portuguese)
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