Research Grants

The São Paulo State Research Foundation (Fapesp): The underrepresentation of women in Economics: An analisys of the academic career in Brazil

Participantes: Fabiana Fontes Rocha (coord.), Paula Pereda, Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Renata Narita. 

Abstract: The underrepresentation of women in Economics is remarkable across all levels of academia (bachelor, masters, doctorate and faculties), private sector and government. Furthermore, women tend to advance less than men as economists on the career path. Thus, the unbalance in gender representation is more substantial at upper levels of the profession, including positions in academia. The first part of this project aims to study the relative position of women in Economics at all stages of the academic profession, from undergraduate students to a Full Professor status. Given the lack of data concerning the participation of women in Economic Departments in Brazil along the distinct stages of academic career, this research project intends to, first, fulfill this gap by collecting data, through specific surveys conducted to a representative group of Brazilian departments of Economics. The main goals are to understand the evolution of female economists within the academic career in Brazil, to include the country’s findings on the international agenda about the subject and to advance in further research prospects built upon the primary diagnosis. The second part of this project aims to analyze the issue of female representation in Economics arising from the dimensions of the research activity. Given that, our study would be interested in the female participation in the two main national conferences on the subject, namely the Anpec (Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia) and the SBE (Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria) conferences.

BID: Labor Costs and Female Formal Entrepreneurship:Evidence from Brazil

Participants: Paula Pereda (coord.), Eloiza Regina F. de Almeida, Liz Matsunaga, Fabiana Fontes Rocha, Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Bruna Borges and Renata Narita.

Abstract: The objective of this proposal is to evaluate the impact of the Individual Micro – Entrepreneur Program on the formality of small firms in Brazil from the point of view of the gender of their entrepreneurs. We are especially interested in understanding the impacts on formality rates between men and women. This question is important because tax reforms can end up widening gender gaps in productivity since women-led businesses usually are less productive than men-led businesses.

York: COVID-19, social distancing and violence against women in Brazil (BRAVE)

Participantes: Rodrigo Moreno-Serra (coord.), Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, Paula Pereda, Fabiana Fontes Rocha

Abstract: BRAVE will assess the impacts of social distancing measures implemented in response to COVID-19 on the incidence of domestic violence against women (DVAW) in Brazil, and the resulting societal consequences of these DVAW incidence impacts, ultimately informing policy options to address these issues.