Podcast: Elizabeth Farina talks about economy and sustainability

By Ediane Tiago*

In today’s episode, the Brazilian Women in Economics Paula Pereda and Elizabeth Farina talk about the role of Brazil in the global debate about sustainability. “We were in the leadership of this debate once. We held an international conference, the Rio 92, which introduced environmental issues in economic policies”, Farina said.

The specialist reminders the success of the country in renewable energy development, like ethanol, revolutionary fuel in the 1970s. “We proved our capacity to innovate. Brazil is always contacted to talk about its experience with biofuels”, she affirms.

According to her, the country has to urgently resume the #leadership of this discussion. It is necessary to debate deforestation without political views, invest in the expansion of renewable energy, and also in the organization of the carbon market. “There are so many things involved e and constant dialogue is necessary”, she strengthens.

Farina defends the Biofuels National Policy which, has among its objectives to honor the pledges made by Brazil in the Paris Agreement.

Check it out!

*Ediane Tiago is a journalist specialized in science, technology, and innovation. She is also a Brazilian Women in Economics’s collaborator.

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