Special Episode: Economist by profession with Ana Maria Barufi and Renata Gukovas

By Ediane Tiago*

In this special episode, we talked about what an economist does to help the high school students’ in their career choice, or any others interested in Economics. Laura Karpuska and Paula Pereda talked to two excellent young women in Economics: Ana Barufi and Renata Gukovas.

The guests showed that Economics goes much more beyond interest rates and inflation. The economy is about people and how they behave. A good economy helps us to understand major problems, how and why some countries grow more than others, or how to map and reduce extreme poverty.

An economist could help us to understand the complex world we live in, to get people’s lives better. Our guests discussed blockchain, poverty, health, cities, and much more.

Don’t miss it!

*Ediane Tiago is a journalist specialized in science, technology, and innovation. She is also a Brazilian Women in Economics’s collaborator. 

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