Seminar for the Nucleus of Rights and Freedom and the Gender Studies Center of Insper

By Ediane Tiago*


Gender diversity and school performance at FEA/USP graduation: The challenges for a real inclusion of students in the classroom


Prof. Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz (FEA-USP)

Prof. Fabiana Fontes Rocha (FEA-USP)

Date: 30/05/2019

Time: 14h00

Place: Roberto Simonsen -3º andar- Insper

Entrance: Rua Quatá, 300 – Vila Olímpia

Parking: Rua Uberabinha, s/n – Vila Olímpia

Event organized by Insper’s Nucleus of Rights and Freedom and Gender Studies Center

Slides for download 

The Programme is available only in Brazilian Portuguese:

*Ediane Tiago is a journalist specialized in science, technology and innovation. She is also a Brazilian Women in Economics’s collaborator.