Podcast: Claudio Ferraz talks about political accountability and diversity in Economics

By Ediane Tiago*

The new episode of Brazilian Women in Economics’s podcast has just arrived!

Today we talked to Claudio Ferraz, professor of PUC-Rio and UBC in Canada. Our conversation was about how to monitor the politicians’ actions, what is the role of social media in this process, considering the democracy, and about how it is going with the political accountability process in Brazil. We also discussed two important subjects, which are at the heart of our motivation to do this podcast. It was talked about how plural Economics is – in other words, economists don’t study only macroeconomics and efficiency, but also Politics, inequality, and public policies – and how this diversity of subjects is important to increase pluralism and representativeness in the profession. Furthermore, Claudio depicted to us his perspective about gender inequality in our profession, when he noticed this gap, and how we can help to reduce it. He concluded by talking about the importance of “mentoring” in academia.

*Ediane Tiago is a journalist specialized in science, technology, and innovation. She is also a Brazilian Women in Economics’s collaborator.

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