Brazilian Women in Economics’s Podcast was mentioned in Folha and USP newspaper

The Brazilian Women in Economics’s podcast was mentioned in two reports in the last days: in the Folha de Sao Paulo, on October 30th, and in the University of Sao Paulo newspaper, on October 29th.

From Folha, Thais Carrança presents some podcasts about Economics and emphasizes how this format could be advantageous to democratize the debate about the theme, especially during this pandemic and its political and economic crisis. The benefits of this audio format come not just from the facility of access (the new generation are used to deal with it, comparing with reading newspapers, often protected by a paywall, for example), but also because of the common language in podcasts. You can read the report here (available only in Brazilian Portuguese).


“Our main focus in the podcast is to invete women to talk about economy or male economists to discuss gender, a mean to engage more the male audience in the debate”.

Paula Pereda, professor at FEA/USP and member of Brazilian Women in Economics, for report written by Thais Carrança, Folha de São Paulo. 30.10.2020


The University of Sao Paulo newspaper discusses the involvement of the academic community with the rise of the format: Brazil leads the ranking of countries that most produced podcasts since the beginning of 2020. As the report above, this article highlighted how this audio format could be an ally to disseminate the scientific knowledge developed at university. When specialists comment on complex subjects in this way, they help to explain problems and bring science closer to society. You can read the report here (available only in Brazilian Portuguese).


“The episodes of the podcast are available fortnightly, and they have the participation of women who discuss issues like wage gap, the role of women in politics, polarization and its effects on public policies. To help to understand the present time, some episodes covered subjects such as domestic violence agains women during the quarantine and the reopening of nurseries and preschools”.

University of São Paulo newspaper: “8 podcasts of USP to help to understand today’s world”, about Brazilian Women in Economics’s podcast. 29.10.2020.

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