2020 was the year that we launched the Brazilian Women in Economics’s podcast. It consisted of 16 episodes, 20 guests, and several discussions about many subjects. Many thanks to everyone that kept track of our podcast! In 2021, we will keep explaining Economics as a tool to improve people’s life. In addition, we would like to show that Economics is also woman stuff.
In the first episode of this year, Laura Karpuska and Paula Pereda made a retrospective about the subjects discussed in 2020. Paula Pereda remembers gender inequality between men and women in Economics. Women are only 27% of professors in the area (Brazil), and also have difficulty in progress in their careers. Furthermore, some areas like Political Economy or Theoretical Economics still have a lack of female participation. Pereda mentions the episode with Renee Bowen, also remembered by Laura. Karpuska talks about the episode with Bel Santos, which took up social and political issues as well.
In relation to episodes focused on general subjects in Economics, Dolores draws attention to Laura Carvalho’s and Tabata Amaral’s participation. Carvalho talked about the role of the State during the pandemic, and Amaral discussed how necessary is for academics and economists to get closer to society.
If you have just arrived, take advantage of the retrospective to listen to the episodes that most interest you.
Don’t forget to answer our questionary! We would like to know about what subjects you would like to hear in our podcast during 2021.